Around 08:31pm on Saturday, March 07, 2009 (UK time), Nigel Henry scrawled:

> To disable it, simply do a, yum remove alsa-plugins-pulseaudio, which will 
> also remove kde-settings-pulseaudio package, if you are using KDE.

Thanks for this.  Having put up with stuttering sound on the PC I use to
play music on, I made the changes you suggested and that has sorted it.

For completeness I had to do the following:

# yum remove alsa-plugins-pulseaudio

Set sound to use ALSA.

$ gnome-sound-properties

Set Sound playback: under Sound Events, Music and Movies, and Audio
Conferencing to ALSA - Advanced Linux Sound Architecture.

$ gnome-volume-control

Under Preferences, select PCM. Change PCM's volume to an appropriate

This was for a SB Audigy soundcard.

This is a relatively low-spec machine - 1Ghz CPU and only 896Mb RAM,
but music performance was fine prior to this and is now fine again under
ALSA.  I will continue to use pulseaudio on my other machines, and will
give it further chances under future distros.


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