On Wednesday 11 March 2009, David wrote:
>On 3/11/2009 2:42 PM, Gene Heskett wrote:
>> On Wednesday 11 March 2009, Gene Heskett wrote:
>>> Greetings;
>>> Everytime I do a startx, I waste about 3 minutes killing kaffiene, which
>>> insists on starting,  complete with several error messages related to
>>> gstreamer.  I can select quit from its file menu, but then I have to run
>>> htop, find the one kaffeine process that is still running and locking up
>>> my tv card from any other programs access, and kill it.  And on the next
>>> reboot and startx, its the same darned song and dance.
>>> How the heck can I stop running kaffeine at an x start?  For my card, it
>>> is a thoroughly broken application.
>>> I may also have found the src of my F10 instability.  I just rebuilt my
>>> fav kernels using the F10 compiler tools, and so far not an Oops or BUG
>>> in half an hour of uptime.  That knocking sound?  Yeah. :)
>> PS: A 2nd subject:
>> As an afterthought, I also have about 2 minutes of a dead system when I
>> start kmail, which is apparently waiting on akonadi, which eventually
>> fails of course because my system has a mysql installed that was already
>> configured for mythtv usage when I upgraded, not installed, from F8 to
>> F10.
>> I have asked several times for how to fix this, even posted the error log,
>> but so far no solution has been offered.  I have used mysqladministrator
>> to add akonadi as a client, using that as passwd too, and setup akonadi
>> with matching passwds too, but that makes no diff that I can see.
>> If we cannot fix this using the normal setup procedures, then how can I
>> rid kmail of this akonadi dependency, as it runs just fine ANAICT without
>> it?
>> 3rd subject, where is the default volume set for the startup and shutdown
>> audio splash files, they are blowing out the windows on the neighbors
>> houses.
>Good luck on the multiple subjects under one subject.  ;-)
>That usually does not work because they get lost when the thread wanders
Tell me about it, but I just had to get that rant off my chest, it was getting 
heavy. :)
>  David

Cheers, Gene
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
Why do seagulls live near the sea?  'Cause if they lived near the bay,
they'd be called baygulls.

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