On Wednesday 11 March 2009 20:09:57 David Hláčik wrote:
> Hello guys,
> I will be creating rpm packages for software company i work for. I
> have built a lot of rpm packages by myself, so I have experience with
> that.
> But my question is :
> How to make this process more comfortable and improve efficiency.
> So far i was creating packages by using rpmdevtools and rpmbuild itself.
> I've read about mock , which is chrooted environment for building
> SRPMs . But does this mock can be applied on spec files? Do i need to
> prepare srpm package before i can work with mock? If so, this will not
> help me much.
> How should i proceed with creation of srpms besides of rpm utils and
> rpmbuild build only source.
> Thanks in advance,
> David

I would write a shell script to automate some of the building and updating.

Armin Moradi

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