On Fri, 2009-03-13 at 10:30 -0600, Linuxguy123 wrote:
> On Fri, 2009-03-13 at 08:53 -0700, Craig White wrote:
> > On Fri, 2009-03-13 at 09:40 -0600, Linuxguy123 wrote:
> > 
> > > > > As indicated above, you have an INBOX like a cesspool and you don't
> > > > > break it down into subdirectories which is really what you need to do
> > > > > and not allow your INBOX or any subdirectory to get that big.
> > > 
> > > If we want to get serious about this problem, it wouldn't be hard for
> > > Evolution to see that the file size is approaching the size limit for
> > > the OS and split a "folder" into 2 files.   The problem with manually
> > > splitting folders is that I don't think there is an <easy> way to search
> > > both of them simultaneously.  Although I have to admit I haven't tried
> > > to do that yet, nor have I played much with vfolders... 
> > ----
> > I suppose you could bugzilla an RFE but good luck. Evolution developers
> > have their own agenda.
> > 
> > As for searching multiple folders, if they are subfolders of your INBOX,
> > then any search on your INBOX would automatically include subfolders.
> I'll check that out. 
> > > 
> > > > It's a bit rude to throw around words like "cesspool" when you actually 
> > > > mean "tower of cards" ;o)
> > > 
> > > You guys underestimate the system I have running here.  Evolution
> > > ROCKS !
> > ----
> > I pretty much underestimate any person who keeps thousands of e-mails in
> > their INBOX rather than organize their e-mail.
> It IS organized.   How many emails would you have in your GENERAL
> mailbox since 2002 ?  No matter how well you organize things, you'll
> need a general "this email doesn't fit anywhere else and can't be
> categorized" mailbox.  Well, mine is 2GB in size, because I do a LOT of
> email correspondence.
umm...I have thousands of e-mails going back way past 2002 including all
of my 'Sent' e-mails going back until 1997. I have everything organized
and my largest folder is Sent_2008 which has 3391 e-mails in it.

The thing is that using cyrus-imapd as I do, I don't have to worry about
mbox limitations, my folders are indexed each night for fast searching
and I can fire up any computer on my home LAN (i.e. my Windows system),
still connect to the same mail so my e-mail is not held hostage to any
one program on any one machine.

If you do a 'LOT' of e-mail correspondence, you should first figure out
the proper spelling of the term, second, figure out the best ways to
handle, store, index and optimize the process.
> > I believe I have used Evolution since it's first appearance on RHL but I
> > stopped using POP3 a long, long time ago so I haven't had to deal with
> > mbox and all of it's fragility many years ago. In my mind, anyone who
> > does a lot of e-mail should set up a mail server with IMAP and either
> > cyrus-imapd or dovecot with Maildir and if necessary, use fetchmail or
> > equivalent to retrieve e-mail from POP3 servers as they are much more
> > efficient at storing, retrieving, indexing e-mail.
> None of that is necessary.  Evolution works fine.  Excellent in fact.
until it breaks - i.e., the point of this thread. Granted, none of that
is necessary...but it's optimal. If I am out of the house, I can still
retrieve my e-mail from a web server and if I am looking for a
particular e-mail, I can direct a copy of it to my phone.


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