Your first error looks to be you do not have a hostname.FQD in your host file. Oracle will not like fedora10.localdomain.

Personally I would run, not walk from this installation on Fedora 10. You may have a better chance with 11G as 10G is getting old vs Fedora 10. I see you already posted for help for 11g on Fedora 10 without any responses.

If you just need a oracle database you can use the free XE rpm. Just download from then use yum to install ( yum --nogpgcheck localinstall oracle-xe-univ- and run the configuration script (/etc/init.d/oracle-xe configure).

If you need the full blown install of Oracle. You may want to look at latest Centos or Oracle Unbreakable Linux. They are both based on Red Hat EL5 and should allow for a more trouble free install of either 10 or 11G.


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