On Wednesday 25 March 2009 21:03:45 Kevin J. Cummings wrote:
> Kevin Kempter wrote:
> > Hi All;
> >
> >
> > I ran a yum update tonite and after a reboot I no longer had a copy of
> > the Network Manager in my system tray. Also I could no longer run the
> > Network Manager (nm-applet) from the command line. It ran but still
> > failed to show up in the system tray.
> nm_applet runs in the Notification Area.  Did you lose your Notification
> Area?
I still had the volume control, the battery monitor, etc It seems I only lost 
the Network Manager (and possibly the Kmail nitification)

> I have 5 different applets running in mine, including Bluetooth Manager,
> Power Manager, NetworkManager Applet, Weather Report, and Volumne
> Applet.  I'd notice if all 5 disappeared from my panel....
> > Plus if I ran "ifup etho" I got an error that the network was 'down'.
> > And finally I went to the network device control and it showed no
> > devices.
> >
> >
> > Fortunately I run an rsync backup before I do any updates. I ran an
> > rsync restore of the following directories and everything is back to
> > where it was before the update.
> >
> >
> > bin
> > boot
> > etc
> > lib
> > lib64
> > lost+found
> > opt
> > root
> > sbin
> > selinux
> > srv
> > usr
> > var
> >
> >
> >
> > Anyone have any thoughts per the Network Manager issue ?
> >
> >
> >
> > Thanks in advance
> --
> Kevin J. Cummings
> kjch...@rcn.com
> cummi...@kjchome.homeip.net
> cummi...@kjc386.framingham.ma.us
> Registered Linux User #1232 (http://counter.li.org)

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