On Thu, 2009-03-26 at 23:50 -0400, Joe Smith wrote:
> Daniel B. Thurman wrote:
> > ...
> >> For fun,  I looked at: /etc/init.d/nsd and there was code
> >> in two places that had: 2>%1 (a stderr redirect?) and I suspected
> >> it was intended to be: 2>&1?  I was not sure the % was
> >> something I have seen before - this does not exists in the
> >> entire /etc/init.d directory except for nsd!  Bug????
> >>
> >> Thanks!
> >> Dan
> >>
> > I also found the same problems in:
> > /etc/cron.hourly/nsd
> > 
> > There are three places where the same 2>%1 appears
> > but ALSO there is that /dev/nul (one "l") !!!
> > 
> > Now, the question I have is: is 2>%1 a valid redirect
> > string?  If not, then it is only the cron script in 3 places
> > but if it is not, then there are 5 places, two in init.d and
> > three in the cron script.
> Yes, it's a valid redirection: it redirects stderr to a file named '%1' 
> in the current directory.
Well that is true. What are the chances there is file %1 in the
directory. It is possible if the creater of the script had a wicked
sense of humor but unlikely.
> You may want to check around for that file--I assume the working 
> directory for cron and init is /, but I could be wrong.
> Each place where nsdc is run in those two scripts should be changed to 
> look like this:
> /usr/sbin/nsdc command > /dev/null 2>&1
> I.e., with the correct device name and redirect syntax.
> I expect filing an issue and passing along the corrections would be helpful.
> <Joe
Repartee is something we think of twenty-four hours too late. -- Mark
Aaron Konstam telephone: (210) 656-0355 e-mail: akons...@sbcglobal.net

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