On Sun, 2009-04-05 at 13:47 +0200, "Stanisław T. Findeisen" wrote:
> I just wanted to share my opinion about the new KDE in Fedora 10 (KDE 
> 4.2 or so).
> KDE has been my favourite desktop environment for *years* (8-10 or so). 
> The old one in Fedora 8 (KDE 3.5 or so) was great.
> Unfortunately, the new one (4.2 or so) is *so heavy*, *so buggy* and so 
> *unusable at all* that I am trying to find an alternative. It looks as 
> if someone thought that simple, fast and stable things are bad. :-/
> What do you think about it?

I think you shgould read the archives of this list over the last 6
months or so.


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