Mike Burger wrote:
>> Ed Greshko wrote:
>>> Hummm....  Bad news....
>>> I had to test this and have in the intttab file....
>>> #   5 - X11
>>> #   6 - reboot (Do NOT set initdefault to this)
>>> #
>>> ; id:5:initdefault:
>>> id:3:initdefault:
>>> And the system still comes up in run level 5.
>> There is probably no comment sign anymore.
>> Upstart just rapidly scans /etc/inittab for the default runlevel and
>> ignores
>> everything else. The only reason the file is still /etc/inittab is for
>> backwards compatibility. So it doesn't use a complete inittab parser, it
>> probably just scans for the first occurrence of id:?:initdefault,
>> completely ignoring any comment signs.
> While I've not read any upstart documentation to refute your assertion, I
> do believe that I've commented and uncommented enough since starting with
> F9 that I am fairly confident that there is, indeed, still the default ;
> as an inittab comment delimiter.
>> Just don't leave commented lines around.
> Fair enough, if that is to be the end product...but if you want to test
> something, and don't want to litter the system with dozens of backup
> inittab files and the like, commenting a line is quicker than fully
> editing it in and out.
> Probably a matter of preference, I would say.
Kindly be careful with your attributions....  The comments concerning
upstart were those of Kevin Kofler.

Yet the fact remains, ; had no more effect than #.  If you don't trust
the test that I did, you can do it yourself in order to prove it.

mei-mei.gres...@greshko.com http://tw.youtube.com/watch?v=cCSz_koUhSg

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