PS = Pete Stieber
PS>> I have a dual opteron system that has been acting as
PS>> the worldly node for a small cluster of computers
PS>> since September, 2004.  The machine is running the
PS>> latest x86_64 Fedora 10 kernel that I recently loaded
PS>> (April 2).  The machine reboots without warning.  I
PS>> can't find the cause in log files (maybe I'm not
PS>> looking in the correct log).

m> any new hardware attached or installed recently?

It's not real new (a few months or so), but I did start using a Belkin OmniView PRO2 4-Port KVM switch (F1DA104T) with this machine. I am currently running my builds with this device "out of the loop" and without the samba server enabled and this seems to be working.

I'll report back if the machine reboots.


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