Re: Q about installing F10 from Live DVD
Kenneth Lee wrote:
> Use the Live CD to "try out" distributions.
> Download and burn the DVD, and use that for installations.
> This seems to be true with Fedora.  Each distribution seems to work a
> little bit different, but the live CD's seem to be good for trying them
> out without
> changing what is on your current hard drive.  Just don't "Install" if you
> want to test!  Fedora seems to install "best" from the DVD.

Kevin Kofler  replied
>> The live CDs install just fine.  ...

Well, the f10liveinstall cd didnt work for me,
( see f10 liveinstall cd trashed my main fc5)
trying to install to one particular partition, sdb6
it instead somehow clobbered my main fc5 partition sda1.
undoubtedly mostly (entirely?) because of my own
very limited experience re installs.

Are there guidelines for using the install option?

It seemed to insist on using LVM.  Can this be prevented?

Not sure, but it might also have been
trying to set up  separate /boot partition?
If so, can that also be prevented?
if it insists on that, I wasnt prepared for it,
having only sdb6 i was willing to give to f10.

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