On 4/22/2009 7:20 PM, Kevin Kofler wrote:
> David wrote:
>> As I understand the Live-CD installs to the primary (boot) disk. That
>> would be sda. It will have a / in sda1 and a swap in sda6. It will be LVM.

> You can do custom partitioning also with the live CDs (with some
> restrictions, e.g. / needs to be ext3 for Fedora <= 10 and ext4 for Fedora
>> = 11, but which HDD to install to is NOT fixed). You just have to look at
> what you're doing, not click "Next" blindly.

I have never used a Live-CD to install. But I have played with them. My
first Linux install was Redhat 5.2 so I am not a complete Linux Newbie.

This is problely completely my fault. I tried to help a Newbie with
out-of-date information.



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