I screwed up and now I am in a bad spot.  I hope someone can help me.  I am 
pretty new to Linux.  I am just taking my first course and setup a laptop with 
Fedora Core 10 and Windows Vista dual booting.

Because of so many bugs and my lack of expertise my wife wanted me to move all 
of her OpenOffice.org files from the Linux operating system to Vista.  So I 
thought I could just move everything from her home directory to the /media/disk 
directory and all would be good.

Well, from the command prompt I created a folder in /media/disk and moved 
everything there.  Then I booted into Vista and the folder wasn't there.  I 
thought Windows maybe can't read the directory created by Linux so I went back 
to Linux and to my surprise it was missing from there too!  Now it's nowhere to 
be found and I'm afraid everything she had is lost.  Does anyone know of a way 
I can retrieve those files?

Thank you,

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