2009/4/24 Manuel Aróstegui <man...@todo-linux.com>:
> On Fri, 2009-04-24 at 10:12 +0100, Dan Track wrote:
>> Hi Guys,
>> I've written a simple for loop see below:
>> for i in orion earth;do scp /etc/hosts /etc;done
>> I have a small scripting knowledge so would appreciate some help. What
>> I'd like to do is somehow change the above so that the script prompts
>> me for a password and when I give the script the password it will use
>> it to auto-reply to any password promtps that scp asks for when
>> logging into all the servers. If I am right I believe readline needs
>> to be used. If it can't be done in bash can you give me a perl
>> alternative please.
>> Thanks for your help.
>> Dan
> Hi Dan,
> You might want to use autoexpect for that.
> This can get you in security problems since you'd need to write your
> password in the script, but as long as you use user and groups perms
> correctly you should kinda safe.
> Manuel.
Hi Manuel,

Thankyou for your suggestion, is there any chance of getting the above
scripted by yourself. I've never used autoexpect before. I appreciate
the advice anyway.


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