El Lunes, 27 de Abril de 2009 18:23, Dennis Kaptain escribió:
> > If there is no NameVirtualHost declaration the vhosts will be treated as
> > the default host.
> >
> > Try putting
> >
> >   NameVirtualHost *:80
> >
> > before the VirtualHost declarations.
> >
> > :m)
> Mike,
> I already have that directive before the VirtualHosts. I did try to remove
> it just to see what would happen
> [r...@confianza conf]# service httpd restart
> Stopping httpd:                                            [  OK  ]
> Starting httpd: [Mon Apr 27 16:49:00 2009] [warn] _default_ VirtualHost
> overlap on port 80, the first has precedence [  OK  ] [r...@confianza
> conf]#
> and there you have it.
> Anyway, that wasn't the problem in my case.
> Thinking about how DNS is working in the picture I added <?php echo
> $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']."<br>\n"; ?> to my index.php file and it shows a
> difference between
> http://confianza  and  http://confianzazend
> so it does know the difference.
> Thanks
> DK
>       ¡Obtén la mejor experiencia en la web! Descarga gratis el nuevo
> Internet Explorer 8. http://downloads.yahoo.com/ieak8/?l=mx

try httpd -S, verify if vhost are declared. (sorry my english)

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