On Fri, May 8, 2009 at 11:41 PM, Suvayu Ali <fatkasuvayu+li...@gmail.com> wrote:
> NiftyFedora Mitch wrote:
>> Plugins for 64 bit  Firefox are a tangle.
>> This is especially so if Opera and other
>> browsers are installed.
>> An 'alternates' solution for Firefox(32|64)
>> would be nice.
>> Not as nice as a Adobe moving to 64 bit..
>> but flash and friends are not the only plugins
>> in the world.
>> It might help if Firefox/Mozilla had a plugin
>> petition button that could be launched if
>> a plugin was unavailable.  A score card
>> might help "geter" done.
> If I may ask, what is wrong with 64 bit FF plugins? I use 64 bit F10, and
> the only 32 bit packages I use are skype related, and nothing (plugin-wise)
> could be better. Even 64 bit flash has behaved itself.

With a 32 bit opera and a 64 bit firefox and yet another experimental browser
I have had to dig into the plugin and pluginwraper dirs and tidy
things up on a number of occasions.  I do have the experimental
Adobe 64bit plugin for flash so with two+ experiments in progress
it may be that I am doing anomalous stuff to my system.

        T o m   M i t c h e l l

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