On Fri, 2009-05-15 at 07:05 -0700, Daniel B. Thurman wrote:
> Craig White wrote:
> > On Thu, 2009-05-14 at 19:57 -0700, Daniel B. Thurman wrote:
> >   
> >>> I think you had it with the redirect causing an error in svn. The 
> >>> change to https needs to be done at the request end (AFAIK) so if svn 
> >>> can't/won't do that properly you are better off failing it with a 
> >>> useful error than having the traffic to you be unencrypted.
> >>>
> >>> My opinion only, the client is not working in a good way, break it 
> >>> rather than having it work in an actively BAD way.
> >>>       
> >> Yes, that was what I thought, since there is no real way
> >> to get a redirect with svn in the picture.  I tried it in all
> >> sorts of ways but was not able to.  It would be nice if
> >> there was a way to do a redirect cleanly, but alas, it's
> >> not to be had.
> >>     
> > ----
> > not that this is going to help but you are trying to solve a client
> > problem with a server solution. I don't see your problem as not being
> > able to 'redirect cleanly' because in my mind, 'RedirectPermanent' is as
> > clean as you can get but rather the client application apparently
> > doesn't have enough http skills to deal with the Redirect information it
> > has been given by the server. Probably some of that is about security
> > because you really don't want an unsophisticated client to willy nilly
> > accept redirection to another host/site/URL.
> >
> > Craig
> Yes, it makes sense what you are saying.

FWIW, the subversion version in F10 is quite nice about informing you
about the redirect:

        $ svn co http://my.svn.host/svn/MyProject Project
        svn: Repository moved permanently to
        'https://my.svn.host/svn/MyProject'; please relocate
        $ rpm -q subversion

                Matthew Saltzman

Clemson University Math Sciences
mjs AT clemson DOT edu

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