g wrote:
Valent Turkovic wrote:

If you wondered why Intel sucks on Fedora read this article, it
expains all complexities of Intel drivers and for me it shows hope
that Intel drivers are becoming better.

intel sucks on anything but ms, because intel joined the ms whore house
years ago along with many other oem suppliers because of their fear of
not being included in ms specs.

in off quote of b.g., 'exclusively ms or be left out'.

many 'old heads' are aware of this, and it is what has made building
linux drivers for a lot of good software very difficult when oem refuses
to release specs on systems.

given enough time, driver writers will be able to over come the ms
monopoly so that there will be more hardware working in other than ms.

page was a good read. thanks for posting.

Contrary to your unsubstantiated statements Intel is in fact very pro linux, and runs it inhouse.

My PC with the linux video drivers works with EVERY linux version that I have tried (COMPIZ and more)

OK, No 3D, but for the desktop or server platforms, it is A1.

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