From: /var/log/yum.log:
May 19 14:13:01 Installed: kernel-
May 19 14:18:25 Installed: kernel-

I noticed strange behaviour with the kernels above, first that it appears
to be installed twice from some reason, but that may not be the issue.

The issue I am seeing is that my Core-2 Duo system is a fast system
before this kernel was installed and was performing fabulously, until
now.  It seems to spend an inordinate amount of time loading files
from the disk (disk access is high) for a much longer length of time
and greatly slows the performance of the system.  What is also odd,
I note is that gkrellm is showing very little, almost no disk activity
when it is obvious that my  system HD LEDs are showing a solid
red activity when the disk accessed.

I also noticed that when I am away from my computer and the screen
locks, unlocking it takes an extraordinary amount of time to respond
(the screen remains blacked out for quite some time) before displaying
my desktop, and also note that my 2GB RAM, 5GB swap is hitting
very hard and this has never-ever happened before this kernel was installed
and in fact I had zero swap activity all this time since I had this new
Mobo installed.  The previous kernel when the screen was unlocked,
snapped on much quicker.

Has anyone else seen anything different with this new kernel?

Kind regards,

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