The new Google G1 (linux-based) phone just added camcorder capability.
Unfortunately the audio codec is something weird and totem complains
about a missing codec.

    $ totem video-2009-05-23-15-33-41.3gp 
    ** Message: don't know how to handle audio/AMR, 
codec_data=(buffer)0000001164616d7270766d6d0000020001, rate=(int)8000, 
    ** Message: Missing plugin: gstreamer|0.10|totem|Adaptive Multi Rate (AMR) 
decoder|decoder-audio/AMR (Adaptive Multi Rate (AMR) decoder)
    ** Message: PackageKit: xid = 69206019
    ** Message: PackageKit: Codec nice name: Adaptive Multi Rate (AMR) decoder
    ** Message: PackageKit: structure: gstreamer0.10(decoder-audio/AMR)()(64bit)
    ** Message: PackageKit: Did not install codec: The name 
org.freedesktop.PackageKit was not provided by any .service files
    ** Message: No installation candidate for missing plugins found.
    ** Message: don't know how to handle audio/AMR, 
codec_data=(buffer)0000001164616d7270766d6d0000020001, rate=(int)8000, 
    ** Message: Missing plugin: gstreamer|0.10|totem|Adaptive Multi Rate (AMR) 
decoder|decoder-audio/AMR (ignoring)
    ** Message: All missing plugins are blacklisted, doing nothing

Is there an RPM that I'm missing that provides this codec?  I thought I
had all the gstreamer ugly/bad/downright-evil etc codecs that were

Wolfgang S. Rupprecht      (ipv6-only)
         You may need to config 6to4 to see the above pages.

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