
I can't print from evince. my system is F9

Linux #1 SMP Mon May 11 11:11:33 EDT
2009 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
the printer is ok, I can print from other application, OO-writer, lpr
or a2ps etc.

the pop up error says

** (evince:): WARNING **: NOT IMPLEMENTED: We need to prompt for authorization

here are error from
cat /var/log/cups/error_log, please pay attention to E lines

I [25/May/2009:09:06:54 +1000] [Job ???] Request file type is
E [25/May/2009:09:06:54 +1000] Print-Job: Unauthorized
I [25/May/2009:09:08:05 +1000] [Job ???] Request file type is
E [25/May/2009:09:08:05 +1000] Print-Job: Unauthorized
I [25/May/2009:09:09:09 +1000] [Job ???] Request file type is application/pdf.
E [25/May/2009:09:09:09 +1000] Print-Job: Unauthorized
I [25/May/2009:09:09:09 +1000] [Job ???] Request file type is application/pdf.
I [25/May/2009:09:09:09 +1000] [Job 191] Adding start banner page "none".
I [25/May/2009:09:09:09 +1000] [Job 191] Adding end banner page "none".
I [25/May/2009:09:09:09 +1000] [Job 191] File of type application/pdf
queued by "user1".
I [25/May/2009:09:09:09 +1000] [Job 191] Queued on "ricoh" by "user1".
I [25/May/2009:09:09:09 +1000] [Job 191] Started filter
/usr/lib/cups/filter/pdftops (PID 7017)
I [25/May/2009:09:09:09 +1000] [Job 191] Started filter
/usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops (PID 7018)
I [25/May/2009:09:09:09 +1000] [Job 191] Started filter
/usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip (PID 7019)
I [25/May/2009:09:09:09 +1000] [Job 191] Started backend
/usr/lib/cups/backend/smb (PID 7020)
I [25/May/2009:09:09:09 +1000] Saving subscriptions.conf...
I [25/May/2009:09:09:12 +1000] [Job 191] Completed successfully.
I [25/May/2009:09:09:12 +1000] Saving subscriptions.conf...
I [25/May/2009:09:09:12 +1000] Saving subscriptions.conf...
I [25/May/2009:14:48:58 +1000] Saving subscriptions.conf...
I [25/May/2009:14:49:00 +1000] Saving subscriptions.conf...
I [25/May/2009:15:24:27 +1000] Saving subscriptions.conf...
I [25/May/2009:15:24:27 +1000] Saving subscriptions.conf...
I [25/May/2009:15:26:40 +1000] Saving subscriptions.conf...
I [25/May/2009:15:26:41 +1000] Saving subscriptions.conf...
I [25/May/2009:17:17:59 +1000] Saving subscriptions.conf...
I [25/May/2009:17:18:07 +1000] Saving subscriptions.conf...
I [26/May/2009:09:09:09 +1000] Subscription 98 has expired...
I [26/May/2009:09:09:09 +1000] Saving subscriptions.conf...
I [26/May/2009:09:58:54 +1000] Saving subscriptions.conf...
I [26/May/2009:10:00:08 +1000] Saving subscriptions.conf...
I [26/May/2009:10:02:43 +1000] [Job ???] Request file type is
E [26/May/2009:10:02:43 +1000] Print-Job: Unauthorized
I [26/May/2009:10:05:54 +1000] Saving subscriptions.conf...
I [26/May/2009:10:06:27 +1000] Saving printers.conf...
I [26/May/2009:10:06:27 +1000] Printer "ricoh" modified by "root".
I [26/May/2009:10:06:33 +1000] [Job ???] Request file type is
E [26/May/2009:10:06:33 +1000] Print-Job: Unauthorized
I [26/May/2009:10:06:33 +1000] [Job ???] Request file type is
I [26/May/2009:10:06:33 +1000] [Job 192] Adding start banner page "none".
I [26/May/2009:10:06:33 +1000] [Job 192] Adding end banner page "none".
I [26/May/2009:10:06:33 +1000] [Job 192] File of type
application/postscript queued by "user1".
I [26/May/2009:10:06:33 +1000] [Job 192] Queued on "ricoh" by "yzhang4".
I [26/May/2009:10:06:33 +1000] Saving subscriptions.conf...
I [26/May/2009:10:06:33 +1000] [Job 192] Started filter
/usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops (PID 21166)
I [26/May/2009:10:06:33 +1000] [Job 192] Started filter
/usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip (PID 21167)
I [26/May/2009:10:06:33 +1000] [Job 192] Started backend
/usr/lib/cups/backend/smb (PID 21168)
I [26/May/2009:10:06:34 +1000] Saving subscriptions.conf...
I [26/May/2009:10:06:34 +1000] [Job 192] Completed successfully.
I [26/May/2009:10:06:34 +1000] Saving subscriptions.conf...
I [26/May/2009:10:06:34 +1000] Saving subscriptions.conf...
I [26/May/2009:10:09:54 +1000] [Job ???] Request file type is
E [26/May/2009:10:09:54 +1000] Print-Job: Unauthorized

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