On Fri, May 29, 2009 at 09:42:37 -0500,
  "Smith, Herb" <herb.sm...@boeing.com> wrote:
> That may be true, but the Updater is doing that job, and it nuked my
> system too.  How often does that happen?  This is the first time I've
> seen it since I've been using RH8 up to now, but it does give me pause.

I have had grub get messed up several times during the F11 rawhide period.
I still get the grub prompt though and know where the configfile is in
grubspeak. So it's easy for me to fix. I haven't figured out what is causing
it to do this. My suspects are using software raid, using livecd-creator,
grub updates, kernel updates. I haven't seen strong correlation to any
of these though.

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