On Sun, 31 May 2009 02:18:20 -0400
Andrew Jamison <li...@blogmethat.net> wrote:

> I heard several people say that the developer for Rhythm Box has
> decided it is not worth competing with Amarok and other media players
> anymore.

That'd be the first I've heard of it - rhythmbox is still a fairly
decent audio app (even if the album cover plugin has some odd results -
it brought up an Elmo cover for The Clash's "London Calling" here,
which had me in stitches) and as far as I'm aware still maintained.

> If this is true how will this affect Fedora? Will we simply
> adopt Amarok as the default Gnome media solution or will we try and
> get someone to pick up the development and take over the project?

Amarok is a KDE app last I checked so it shouldn't affect GNOME at
all :-)

I have noted in the recent past some effort to bring in Banshee as a
default media player - I'm not 100% sure this is wise as while it's
very good - I use it day to day - it's not quite as solid as Rhythmbox
IMHO and being Mono may not be to everyone's tastes.

> I am not a coder so I can not help and while I am not sure if this is
> true if it is I would like to see it still maintained.
> Thanks,
> Andrew Jamison
> IRC: ajamison5579

Michael Fleming (not a GNOME developer, just a longtime user)

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