On Mon, Jun 01, 2009 at 15:23:33 +0100,
  Timothy Murphy <gayle...@eircom.net> wrote:
> Is there a Skype HOWTO or FAQ for Fedora-10?
> I would like to transfer my Skype contacts to someone else,
> but don't see any way to do this under Linux.
> Incidentally, is there any alternative to Skype
> that works under Linux and Windows XP?

Asterisk and Callweaver can act as PBX's. That doesn't get you a POTS
connection, but there are cooperative groups allowing people to make
local POTS connections from their land line in return for the ability to
use other people's land lines.

You'll also need something like a sip client (such as ekiga) or some hardware
(Digium and Sangoma are two companies that make such hardware) to talk to
your phones and/or POTS connection. However the hardware solution doesn't
work all that great with Fedora because Digium (and I think Sangoma, but
haven't verfied this) haven't upstreamed their drivers.

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