Bill Davidsen <> writes:
> I have a related question. If I set up a tunnel to forward IPv6 thru
> IPv4, the existing setups seem to use part of my IPv4 address as part
> of the IPv6 address. Fair enough, but is there some way to get a
> permanent IPv6 allocation, such that if my primary ISP goes out for
> any reason, I can use my secondary instead? I'd like to set up some
> servers on VMs in my DMZ[1] for testing.

In order to avoid the mess crated in IPv4 with lots of hard to route
direct assignments, IPv6 addresses are not handed out to end users.
They are only handed out to ISP's (in hunks of /32 if I recall
correctly), who in tun hand out /48's to end users.  That keeps the
routing table nice and small, but also means that if you are an end
user, you will have to play short-TTL dns games if you want a fail-over
for a server.

Wolfgang S. Rupprecht              Android 1.5 (Cupcake) and Fedora-11

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