On Wed, 2009-06-03 at 02:12 +0200, Kevin Kofler wrote:
> Germán Racca wrote:
> > Once I upgraded to Rawhide, I've disabled Rawhide and had enabled
> > only Fedora 11 Updates.
> Have you run a "yum update" after that? (You should.)
> And you'll also need to enable fedora.repo, not just fedora-updates.repo.
>         Kevin Kofler

Yes, I have run 'yum update' and I have enabled fedora.repo also.


Germán A. Racca
http://tinyurl.com/SkyTux (Linux user #490483)
Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais - INPE
Divisão de Astrofísica - DAS/CEA
São José dos Campos - SP - Brasil
TEL: +55-12-3945-7151
FAX: +55-12-3945-6811

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