On 6/7/2009 11:26 AM, Mike Chambers wrote:
> On Sat, 2009-06-06 at 08:28 -0500, Mike Chambers wrote:
>> On Sat, 2009-06-06 at 00:43 -0300, Itamar Reis Peixoto wrote:
>>> use kvm and install windows inside fedora.
>> I dual boot windows and Fedora (in that order).  I would like to keep
>> Windows around, but wondered if doing it this way instead of dual
>> booting would be better?  Does it act like windows in the same way, as
>> in like recognizing hardware like it does with dual boot and so on?
>> And, um, uh, how the heck do you access/start windows when in a kvm or
>> whatever?
> Solved, sort of.
> Got virtualbox installed, setup , and Windows 7 RC installing as I type.
> I DID IT, GO ME!!! (hehe).
> Guess one way to use windows if have to.  Cept, I guess if my
> workstation is screwed up, unbootable, whatever, then virtual box is in
> the same boat and does me now good?
> Hrm, maybe dual boot is still needed.

Good for you!

I duel boot for the reason that you mentioned. Bread on the table comes
from the 'Windows section'.

BTW you are aware that the Windows 7 RC is time limited? It stops
working June 1, 2010.



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