On Sun, Jun 14, 2009 at 8:03 PM, Kevin Bowling<kev...@analograils.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have an IBM x3650 that was running F10.  I initiated preupgrade-cli for
> F11, which downloaded packages and rebooted the box.  Preupgrade came up in
> GUI mode, but for whatever reason the Radeon R100 card was excruciatingly
> slow and this somehow affected the speed of installing packages.  It took
> nearly 16 HOURS for the upgrade packages to install (99.999% CPU idle,
> barely any disk activity) -- keep in mind this is an 8 core server and is
> connected to a high-speed RAID-6 storage system.
> After the ~1800 of ~1800 packages were installed, it opened the "Please wait
> while setup is finished.  This may take a while" dialog.  This sat for 24
> HOURS without completing.  At this point, I rebooted the machine because
> this is a quasi-production QA box and I had people that needed access to it.
> The upgrade seemingly went well despite, and it booted up.  However there
> are some particularities.  Yum lists both the F10 and F11 packages as
> installed.  One area that seemed to be affected is Java/Eclipse.  It is much
> slower than it should/used to be.
> There are two problems here:
> 1) KMS or DRM, or most likely the radeon video driver are faulty.  The
> textmode framebuffer worked at full speed.  Further, why does preupgrade-cli
> even start Xwindows?  Why would the speed of X determine how fast Anaconda
> ran background tasks?  There was nothing interesting in the upgrade logs,
> dmesg, etc :-(.
> 2) I now have a franken-system that seemingly has both F10 and F11 versions
> of packages installed.  How can I manually clean this up?
> Regards,
> Kevin

Might I suggest that you first verify that all your repos point to
F11. Then, as others have suggested in other threads run
"package-cleanup --cleandupes", "package-cleanup --problems", and
"package-cleanup --orphans"..

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