Thanks very much, all! So here

> > 
> > Does anyone know how to address this problem? My
> laptop battery died while upgrading using Pre-upgrade. It
> was not connected. So what should I do when I switch it on?
> Cross your fingers, and hope that your RPM database isn't
> fscked.
> > Any suggestions?
> Nope, you'll be flying by the seat of your pants. It's
> anyone's guess what state your system will be in. Chances
> are fairly good that you'll be able to boot, at least in run
> level 1, so you can get a shell prompt.
> Presuming that you can get a shell, the next step would be
> to assess the damage to your RPM database. Presuming that
> rpm --rebuilddb survives, the next step would be to run "rpm
> -q -a", and see what you've got.

So, I can do rpm --rebuilddb. I understand that then I am to run rpm -q -a. 
What next after I find what i have got?

> When rpm goes down in a middle of updates, the most likely
> result is that the rpm database will list both the old and
> the new version of each package, and you'll need to compile
> a list of them all, and manually remove the old version of
> each package.

so, like yum remove \*fc10?

> Once you manage to put your rpm database in a sane state,
> the next best thing to do is to forget preupgrade, and run
> F11's installer, which will clean up and finish the
> install.

So, you mean I should get an installer from the boot disk and continue?



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