On 6/17/09 10:26 PM, Giuseppe Fuggiano wrote:
On 2009/6/17 Gijs<i...@bsnw.nl>  wrote:
On 6/17/09 11:15 AM, Giuseppe Fuggiano wrote:
Do you have "haldaemon" and "messagebus" services running?
Yea, both are running just fine.

You can try:

mv ~/.gnome2 ~/.gnome2.old

and restart the GNOME session (logout and login).  This will "reset"
your desktop preferences to defaults.  You can also revert to the
previous one, if desidered:

rm -rf ~/.gnome2   (delete default configuration just created)
mv ~/.gnome2.old ~/.gnome2   (revert to the previous one)

I hope this workaround will work.

I tried what you said and indeed all settings were reverted back to their default state. However Gnome still didn't automount my partitions :(
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