On 06/21/2009 12:51 AM, Armin Moradi wrote:

On Sat, Jun 20, 2009 at 7:05 PM, <dn...@yahoo.com <mailto:dn...@yahoo.com>> wrote:

    Message: 8
    Date: Sat, 20 Jun 2009 10:42:14 -0400
    From: Mail Lists <li...@sapience.com <mailto:li...@sapience.com>>
    Subject: Re: Baffled by a Cable Modem
    To: "Community assistance, encouragement,    and advice for using
       Fedora." <fedora-list@redhat.com <mailto:fedora-list@redhat.com>>
    Message-ID: <4a3cf546.6030...@sapience.com
    Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

    On 06/20/2009 10:38 AM, Jim wrote:

    >> What your forgetting is the mac# from a previous device,
    Computer ,etc,
    >> some cable modems will retain that mac # and not connect to any new
    >> devices until you clear the old one.

    > I thought he had connectivity - just not to all hosts - so this
    >like a red herring.

    I have been trying to follow this line of trouble shooting, but it
    think it is above my pay grade.
    But I think you are right about the red-herring. I can ping any
    one I have tried. I think that means my DHCP and DNS are OK.

    >Could it be DNS problem?  ... firefox caches dns ... so some cached
    >hosts may work
    That looks promising. If firefox is cacheing a bad dns, then maybe
    everything else would work OK except firefox. Maybe, if it cached
    a google dns, it would work with the google stuff, which it does,
    but not other sites.
    However, I also tried dillo, with the same unable to load result.
    I had an idea of how to check this. I booted the problem computer
    with fc9 Live-CD. (I think that gives me all clean configuration
    files) and I had the same problem and gmail still worked.

    I have connected the ethernet cable out of the modem to my old
    computer ( fc8). I tried to boot, which went OK, except the modem
    wasn't found. I then  powered down the modem and the computer,
    then powered them both up and booted.
    It seems to work fine. (Maybe this computer works on saturdays)
    To me, it acts like hardware. Next I think I will try putting in
    an old NIC that I have and see what happens.

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Could someone put a sane subject on this please? (no subject) doesn't make any sense.

Armin Moradi
If he is having problems with reaching some websites and not others it is a IPV6 DNS problem in Firefox , 1. Do a about:config in Firefox URL and where it says "filter" at top put this line "network.dns.disableIPv6 user set boolean true"
W/O quotes.

And double check down in body that it is entered correctly.

2.  In /etc make a file dhclient-eth0.conf and put in line,
"prepend domain-name-servers; "
W/o quotes

If you have a eth1 or wlan0 , you will have to make a file for them, just change the eth0 to eth1, wlan0, Etc.
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