Bill Davidsen wrote:
> So everyone should stop using Skype because it doesn't work as you like?
> All the people I know want a portable phone number usable from any hot
> spot they can find. And Skype works just fine for that. Your purpose may
> be to talk to family and friends for free, and that's fine, but it
> certainly isn't the only way to talk to people, nor is it the only reason
> to have VOIP. The reason for cell phones is to have a number where you can
> be reached, rather than a list. That's a valid reason to have a Skype
> number, too, or any other VOIP to the POTS network provider.

As I already wrote, there are providers offering POTS<->SIP bridging as
well, that feature is not exclusive to Skype.

        Kevin Kofler

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