>> Actually, your post is bullshit. Have you ever tried playing HD video on
>> an Intel chipset? It just works if your definition of "works" is "looks
>> like glitchy shit".
>Works for me. I could believe it would struggle on the older
>processor/memory setups where they probably don't have enough bandwidth
>for full HD video and lots of other activity.

So I guess my 8 gig ram quad core systems with 3100 and 3500 need more power?
It often works, but certainly has issues with ~25% of what I play cause X to
freeze up tighter than a ....

Arguing it works is futile, a couple peoples success doesn't equate perfection.
More of use have issues than those of us who don't. It needs lots of work still,
FFS, and even Intel dev's say that? Are we still debating this? Is it really 
much of an emotional topic, the love for intel chipsets?


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