On Thursday 25 June 2009 05:11:41 Kevin J. Cummings wrote:
> I just finished updating my f9 machine, and thought I'd check my F11
> machine for updates.  It told me there were some, but then when I tried
> to update them, it renigged on me?
> > $ yum check-update
> > Loaded plugins: dellsysidplugin2, downloadonly, fastestmirror,
> > merge-conf, refresh-packagekit adobe-linux-i386                          
> >                                                                          
> >                   |  951 B     00:00 updates/metalink                    
> >                                                                          
> >                         | 4.5 kB     00:00 updates                       
> >                                                                          
> >                               | 4.4 kB     00:00 updates/primary_db      
> >                                                                          
> >                                     | 1.6 MB     00:01
> >
> > apr.i586                                                                 
> >        1.3.5-1.fc11                                                      
> >    updates apr-util.i586                                                 
> >                   1.3.7-1.fc11                                           
> >               updates apr-util-ldap.i586                                 
> >                              1.3.7-1.fc11                                
> >                          updates audit.i586                              
> >                                         1.7.13-1.fc11                    
> >                                     updates audit-libs.i586              
> >                                                    1.7.13-1.fc11         
> >                                                updates
> > audit-libs-python.i586                                                   
> >        1.7.13-1.fc11                                                     
> >    updates cpuspeed.i586                                                 
> >                   1:1.5-9.fc11                                           
> >               updates gupnp-av.i586                                      
> >                              0.4.1-1.fc11                                
> >                          updates japanese-bitmap-fonts.noarch            
> >                                         0.20080710-7.fc11                
> >                                     updates kernel.i586                  
> >                                               
> >                                                updates
> > kernel-firmware.noarch                                                   
> >                                                 
> >    updates kernel-headers.i586                                           
> >                                               
> >               updates libhangul.i586                                     
> >                              0.0.9-1.fc11                                
> >                          updates libicu.i586                             
> >                                         4.0.1-4.fc11                     
> >                                     updates libpurple.i586               
> >                                                    2.5.7-1.fc11          
> >                                                updates mysql-libs.i586   
> >                                                              
> > 5.1.35-1.fc11                                                        
> > updates pidgin.i586                                                      
> >                2.5.7-1.fc11                                              
> >            updates transmission.i586                                     
> >                           1.72-1.fc11                                    
> >                       updates $ sudo yum -y update
> > Loaded plugins: dellsysidplugin2, downloadonly, fastestmirror,
> > merge-conf, refresh-packagekit Determining fastest mirrors
> > updates/metalink                                                         
> >                                                              | 4.5 kB    
> > 00:00 * fedora: mirrors.reflected.net
> >  * updates: mirrors.reflected.net
> > adobe-linux-i386                                                         
> >                                                              |  951 B    
> > 00:00 adobe-linux-i386/primary                                           
> >                                                                    |  11
> > kB     00:00 adobe-linux-i386                                            
> >                                                                          
> >                  17/17 updates                                           
> >                                                                          
> >           | 4.4 kB     00:00 Setting up Update Process
> > No Packages marked for Update
> > $ sudo yum -y update
> > Loaded plugins: dellsysidplugin2, downloadonly, fastestmirror,
> > merge-conf, refresh-packagekit Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
> >  * fedora: mirrors.reflected.net
> >  * updates: mirrors.reflected.net
> > Setting up Update Process
> > No Packages marked for Update
> > $ yum check-update
> > Loaded plugins: dellsysidplugin2, downloadonly, fastestmirror,
> > merge-conf, refresh-packagekit $
> I thought that once yum found updates, it kept the updated metadata
> around and kept trying other mirrors until it found the updates.  Why
> did they disappear?  Why can't it find them now?  Is this a function of
> the stablemirror plugin which I haven't installed on this machine yet?
I believe the servers have just had a big maintenance job, which entailed 
rebuilding repo info (or something like that :-) ).  That might have affected 
you.  Meanwhile, you may need to 'yum clean all' and start afresh.  I had to, 
as it was using outdated metadata.

BTW, I'm curious about this dellsysidplugin2 - I have it on my netbook.  So 
far I haven't found out anything about it.

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