On Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 11:03 AM, davide<lists4dav...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Brian Mearns <bmearns <at> ieee.org> writes:
>> Thanks for the response, Davide. /boot is a seperate, non-LVM
>> partition with its own ext3 fs. I know F11 has options for
>> encrypting during setup, but I've already got it set up, and would
>> now like to go back and switch over to an excrypted root filesystem
>> without having to reinstall. I think your suggestion of using a Live
>> CD implies that I would reinstall Fedora, which I don't want to do.
> have you all the needed modules compiled into the kernel or into the initrd?
> otherwise I would give a look at /etc/crypttab and /etc/fstab
>> Also, it's not grub asking for the root, I'm referring to the "root"
>> parameter for the kernel.
> Yes, I think you mean the root parameter into the grub config, it is a 
> parameter
> for the kernel. I would suppose is used by the kernel to find out where are
> modules and filesystem.

Thanks, again, Davide.

crypttab and fstab should be fine, as init is able to mount the device
correctly. I'm not sure if I have all the correct modules: I ran
mkinitrd with "--with=aes --with=sha256" and tried to boot using the
generated initrd.img, but perhaps there are additional modules I need?


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