On 7/6/2009 11:21 PM, Gene Heskett wrote:
> On Monday 06 July 2009, David wrote:
>> On 7/6/2009 5:30 PM, Gene Heskett wrote:
>>> On Monday 06 July 2009, David wrote:
>>>> On 7/6/2009 11:27 AM, Gene Heskett wrote:
>>>>> On Monday 06 July 2009, William M. Quarles wrote:
>>>>>> I have a directory in my home directory named .gvfs with the following
>>>>>> properties when I do an ls -Al:
>>>>>> d?????????  ? ?       ?            ?                ? .gvfs
>>>>>> I can't access it, delete it, nor rename it; nor can root do any of
>>>>>> those things. I keep getting error messages in the terminal saying as
>>>>>> such, too. Does anybody know how I can fix this?
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> William
>>>>> I'll follow this thread too, as I have it, and its driving amanda to
>>>>> squawk about it.  And root cannot do anything to it either.
>>>> The way that you wrote this Gene I would think that your "driving amanda
>>>> to squawk" problem is an amanda problem not a .gvfs problem. Amanda is
>>>> an 'addon' backup application, correct? And .gvfs is part of the Fedora
>>>> operating file system. This .gvfs *belongs* there and is needed.
>>>> --
>>>>  David
>>> By what, David?  I'm running kde here.  I just made that script from a
>>> previous message, then did a killall on the daemon, and with that gone the
>>> tree if any has now been deleted.  We will wait and see what squawks.
>> Filesystem in Userspace
>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_in_Userspace
>> My guess would be something important.  :-)
>>> As far as the comment about an addon, non-approved app like amanda is
>>> concerned, I have been running amanda since back in the day when redhat
>>> actually supplied bru as its backup app.  Amanda beat it then, and still
>>> beats anything in the fedora repos 11 years later.  Quality code generally
>>> stands the test of time, particularly when it has been in active
>>> development for all of those years, even before linux itself I believe as
>>> its an even older unix app.  I'm running the snapshot taken on 06/22/2009
>>> right now.  Where is bru today?  I have no idea.
>> When I said addon I meant 'no part of the original installed operating
>> system'. And I would still be more inclined to pester the amanda
>> developers about this bug than to perhaps disable a perfectly running
>> computer.
> That depends on whose fault it is.  Having something existing on a system 
> that 
> not even root can control sends up alarms, fireworks and red flags to me.  
> There is no way in hell I can lay that problem on amanda's doorstep.  This is 
> supposed to be open source, where everything is visible and controllable.  
> This thing seems to have been under the radar till it just showed up, set as 
> a 
> default someplace.

"Just showed up"? Do you mean gvfs? It "just showed up" in the Fedora 9

> As for starting something called FUSE at boot time, should not whatever it is 
> that starts the daemon set off a fuss if it cannot find the daemon to start 
> it?  I just rebooted, to because the oom killer in 31-rc2 only 
> allows 
> around 12-18 hours of uptime, BIG memory leak somewhere.  And no mention 
> shows 
> in a dmesg, I just looked again.

Good for you.



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