On Saturday 11 July 2009, David wrote:
>On 7/11/2009 6:15 PM, Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:
>> David wrote:
>>> My email client, Thunderbird, goes out and searches for his 'not made
>>> public as it should be' public Key each and every post. Which takes,
>>> depends on the various Keyservers, 20 +- seconds *each* Kerserver for
>>> *each* post. Two in one thread? Does it twice. Three? Does it three
>>> times. Etc...
>>> I would think that the other email clients using GnuPG do the same. I
>>> can set it *not* to do that here but that is not what I wish. And why
>>> should I set my system so that one person can do things incorrectly?
>>> But no longer. I asked him politely. But his attitude bought him the bit
>>> bucket here.
>> You know, g reminds me a lot of Karl that used to be on here.
>> Mike
>Now? Now? That was nasty.  :-)
>I have a Ubuntu friend. That is where Karl went. Ubuntu. Same guy -
>different Linux distro. Dave W.tells me he is driving them nuts over
>there as well.  :-)
I made a procmail rule.  Haven't seen a Karl or Karl related post on the 
kubuntu list since. :)
>  David

Cheers, Gene
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