On Mon, 2009-07-13 at 09:14 +0400, gil...@altern.org wrote:
> I'm trying to install OOo at the present time with Pirut. I started
> downloading at about 21:45h. It's now midnight, I have 203 MB
> downloaded and it's not finished,

Are you downloading from local mirrors, or mirrors world-wide?

I've noticed that when I do yum updates, that it tends to select local
ones more likely than further away ones.  I'm receiving an
Australianised mirror list, and it *usually* serves me fine, but not

Perhaps, you get supplied with a less than optimal set of mirrors, and
you want to hand select one or more good ones, and stick to just them.
Visit their websites, and directly download a large file, or two, to get
a feel for their responsiveness (starting to download promptly, and
whether downloads continue at a rapid rate).

[...@localhost ~]$ uname -r

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read messages from the public lists.

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