On 07/14/2009 02:22 PM, Chris wrote:
2009/7/14 Luc MAIGNAN<luc.maig...@winxpert.com>:
We can note that Linux is unable to manage my sound card (Creative SB X-FI).
Can it be the problem ? (but no driver is loaded...)

Well, maybe somebody knows another way of investigating this... but
the only way you can know for sure if the sound card is the problem is
to remove it and see if you can run Linux for 20-30 minutes. Then you
know what is causing the problem. How to fix it? I guess that's a
different question. :)


I could be wrong, but I don't think there is a driver for the Creative X-FI card. I seem to recall reading that kernel 2.6.31 will have a driver.



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