2009/7/15 S P Arif Sahari Wibowo <arifs...@yahoo.com>:
> On Wed, 15 Jul 2009, Jud Craft wrote:
>> All docks currently in existence require a composited screen. They all are
>> designed to mimic the animation-heavy OS X dock.
> Well, that statement is definitely incorrect since WindowMaker windows
> manager do have its own dock (with combined function of applications
> launcher, lister and switcher), without requiring composited screen or any
> heavy animation. Unfortunately it is tied to WindowMaker.
> I just want to know whether there are other applications like that outside
> WindowMaker.

I am not sure what you mean by docks as I have barely used OS X a few
times. But I do use WindowMaker from time to time and I use an
application called docker[1] to dock applets in WindowMaker. Docker is
usually used with WindowMaker but it also works on other desktop
environments, you can even specify the dimensions of your dock

Apart from this I use an app called kdocker to dock regular apps to
the system tray in other desktops environments like XFCE or Gnome. So
I have things like Thunderbird tucked away in the tray with kdocker.
You might want to try that if docker doesn't work for you. Both of
these apps are available in the Fedora repositories and are extremely
light weight, absolutely *zero* eye candy. :)




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