On 07/14/2009 07:33 PM, Frank Chiulli wrote:

Here's what I did:
    - as root, I ran '/etc/init.d/exim stop'
    - as root, I ran 'exim -bd -d"+all">/tmp/ex.file 2>&1'

    - as a normal user, I ran 'fetchmail'
      In the past, this would result in an AVC error; but not this time.
      BTW, there was one new message in my mail file as a result of this.

Sadly, starting exim in that way will not give it the same SELinux context as it would get when run by the init process. If you stop the service and "service exim start", it should get its old context, and the AVC messages should return. That'll get you back to where you can debug the problem.

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