On Friday 17 Jul 2009 08:44:40 Tim wrote:
> On Thu, 2009-07-16 at 10:23 -0400, Dr. Michael J. Chudobiak wrote:
> > I found USB drives to be hugely unreliable. I ended up removing the
> > disks from their enclosures and using them inside the main computer
> > chassis, like a normal drive.
> >
> > I think something is buggy with the USB drive implementation,
> I'm beginning to wonder if that's be the case, whether it's a general
> problem, or just certain products are crap.
> > You might have better luck with eSATA drives, rather than USB.
> >
> > For my backups, I prefer to use something like rsnapshot
> > (http://rsnapshot.org/) to copy files to a remote live computer. This
> > works very well and very reliably, for me.
> In my main case, this is a laptop, so putting a drive inside isn't
> possible, and it has no esata.  I'd been backing up to a server, and the
> ill-fated external drive.
> I like the idea of a removable drive, so a backup can be made and easily
> unplugged, as security against system/electrical screwups, and stored
> separately.  But it seems less than reliable.
As well as the IcyBox cage mentioned elsewhere, I have a Freecom Classic 
SL250.  For the last couple of years or so I've been using to backup the whole 
of /home and /etc when I want to make a truly clean install of a distro.  I've 
been 100% happy with it.

> I've tried those trays you slot in and out of a 5 inch bay, and was less
> than impressed (overheats, plastic, crappy fan, etc.), and it's only
> useable where you have a tray to plug into.  The external drive in a box
> *seemed* a good alternative idea.
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