Aaron Konstam wrote:
>> Dumb question - shouldn't DEVICE be eth0 in both files? I thought it
>> was the name of the physical device.
> That is not strictly true. People on this list are found to complain
> that their wireless device is eth1 and their wired device is eth0.
> For example, the virbr0 on my machine is not physical device.
> What the OP is trying to do should work.
The name is eth#, lan#, or something else is controlled by the
driver. When doing an alias for eth0, shouldn't DEVICE still be
eth0? It is still the same physical device.

It is a different story when you get into things like VPN and
bridging. But you don't use DEVICE is bridges or VPNs...


  Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons,
for thou art crunchy and taste good with Ketchup!

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