On Sun, 26 Jul 2009 21:42:29 -0500
Mike Chambers <m...@miketc.net> wrote:

> Is it just me, or does gnome (don't have kde installed so can't test
> that) seem really slow?  And I mean, like when hitting an button on a
> menu to close it, to hit a menu such as File/edit/etc.. Seems most of
> the time, it takes a number of tries to get the button or menu pushed
> or whatever. Takes time to sometimes open/close a program.  I didn't
> have any problems with F10 and my system isn't exactly ancient, as
> it's dual athlon cpu, 64 bit, with 4Gb ram, with decently new nvidia
> card.  Have tried ext4 and ext3 and no difference (both 64 bit os
> installed).
> I even tried top and don't see anything running high, as processor or
> memory.
> Anyone else?
My system isn't even half as powerful as yours and gnome runs just fine
here - F11 x86_64.  In fact, I would call it snappy, menus open as fast
as I access them, system response is fast.  I *have* turned off many
services I don't use or need and I *am* using a custom compiled kernel.
But that shouldn't make that big a difference.

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