On Sat, 2009-08-01 at 08:41 +0100, Terry Barnaby wrote:
> On 08/01/2009 04:58 AM, Tony Nelson wrote:
> > On 09-07-31 19:17:46, Thom Paine wrote:
> >> Thanks for the suggestions. I'll have a look at some of them and see
> >> if I can figure something out.
> >>
> >> I don't mind manually making lists of files as I start working with
> >> them. What really prompted this was that I have some home automation
> >> working really well on an old server I had. One power outtage that
> >> lasted longer than 30 minutes while I was away from home, two hard
> >> drives in the array went offline. I thought the whole server was lost
> >> and last night I dusted it off and rooted around in the adaptec
> >> interface and was able to force them both back online and bring the
> >> array back up. I quickly copied off my heyu files but I got to
> >> thinking if there was a way to automatically rsync files somewhere
> >> when I edit them, it would make things simpler on a server I have no
> >> need to completely back up, yet have some good info on it.
> >
> > I'm a sloppy person, so I set up an rsync-based solution derived from a
> > script I snagged through googling.  It keeps 4-hourly, daily, 4 weekly,
> > and several monthly rotating backups of the directories I list.  Let me
> > know if you want it.  Sometime I'll clean it up some more and put it on
> > my web site.
> >
> Something that we do to get most of the configuration files backed up is:
> # Create list of RPM config files that have changed
>  > files_rpmconfig
> rpm -qac --dump  | sed -e "/^(/d" | while read -a line
> do
> #     echo "Line: ${line[0]} ${line[3]}"
>       if false
>       then
>               if [ ! -r ${line[0]} ]
>               then
>                       echo "Unable to access file: ${line[0]}"
>               fi
>       fi
>       if [ -f ${line[0]} ]
>       then
>               fi=(`md5sum ${line[0]}`)
> #             echo "Sum: ${fi[0]}"
>               if [ ${fi[0]} != ${line[3]} ]
>               then
>                       echo "${line[0]}" >> files_rpmconfig
>               fi
>       fi
> done
> This should backup any files that are marked as configuration files in the 
> RPM 
> packages and have changed. If you has installed tarballs etc, you will 
> obviously
> have to add any configuration files for those manually. We normally do this
> during OS updates so we can quickly look back at configuration changes without
> having to go and get the full backup disk.
> Cheers
> Terry
Mine is a bit longer but I have found it very useful

Please triple check it suits your purpose before use !
Absolutely no warranty !

Three vital lines that do all the work are commented out below
for the -os and -or options 
#       print `$command`;######################################!!!!!!!!
The -oc option is enabled

The script started out of a list of vital files I needed to save
and restore when upgrading my server. It just grew!

Hope it helps


monk bin 215# cat maui_save_restore_compare.pl                                  
#!/usr/bin/perl -w                                                              
#-os is used to save maui config files to a "safe" tar archive                  
#-or is used to restore maui config files from tar achive onto the same or a 
different machine
#-oc is used to compare existing config files on a machine with those in a maui 
"safe" tar archive
# The file list is that defined explicitly by a @list="..." statement or by the 
contents of a directory
# For the directory cases (/etc/samba, ...) the file list is dependent upon the 
option given           
# For -os the list is defined by the files present in that directory on the 
# For -or and -oc the file set is defined by the files present in the "safe" 

#Must be run as root                                                            
if (`whoami` ne "root\n"){die "I'm not root\n"};                                

require "getopts.pl";
#print $opt_o,"\n";  

if( $opt_o  eq "" ){die "Must have single command line option -os, -or or 
if ( $opt_o  ne "s" &&  $opt_o  ne "r" &&  $opt_o  ne "c" ){die "Must have 
command line option -os, -or or -oc\n"};
#Save the system files to directory safe                                        
if ( $opt_o  eq "s"){                                                           
        chdir;  #cd /root                                                       
#       print "pwd ",`pwd`;                                                     
        if ( ! -d $safe ){ mkdir $safe;}                                        
        $options="-a --parents";                                                
#Restore the saved files from safe directory to the system - BE CAREFUL !!      
if ( $opt_o  eq "r"){                                                           
#       Must be run in directory containing directory "safe"                    
        if ( ! -d "safe" ){ die "No safe directory located here!\n";}           
#Compare the system files with the saved files                                  
if ( $opt_o  eq "c"){                                                           
#       Must be run in directory containing directory "safe"                    
        if ( ! -d "safe" ){ die "No safe directory located here!\n";}           
sub save {                                                                      
my (@list) =...@_;                                                              
foreach $j (@list) {                                                            
        $command=sprintf "cp $options \"/$j\" \"$safe\"";                       
        print $command,"\n";                                                    
#       print `$command`;     ######################################!!!!!!!!    
sub restore {                                                                   
my (@list) =...@_;                                                              
foreach $j (@list) {                                                            
        if ( -e "/$j" ){                                                        
                $source="/$j"; $dest="/${j}_pre_restore";                       
#               print "source=" ,$source,"   dest= ",$dest,"\n";                
                if ( ! -e "$dest" ){                                            
                        $command=sprintf "cp $options \"$source\" \"$dest\"";   
                        print $command,"\n";                                    
#                       print 
                $source="safe/$j"; $dest="/$j";                                 
                $command=sprintf "cp $options \"$source\" \"$dest\"";           
                print $command,"\n";                                            
#               print `$command`; 
#Compare system files with "safe" files.                                        
sub compare                                                                     
my (@list) =...@_;                                                              
foreach $j (@list) {                                                            
        $command=sprintf "diff \"/$j\" \"safe/$j\"";                            
        print $command,"\n";                                                    
        print `$command`;                                                       
#Misc - Save and Compare Only.                                                  
print "Misc - Save and Compare Only\n";                                         
if($opt_o eq "s"){save (@list)};                                                
if($opt_o eq "c"){compare (@list)};                                             

print "Authentication\n";                                                       
if($opt_o eq "s"){save (@list)};                                                
if($opt_o eq "r"){restore (@list)};                                             
if($opt_o eq "c"){compare (@list)};                                             

print "Cyrus\n";                                                                
if($opt_o eq "s"){save (@list)};                                                
if($opt_o eq "r"){restore (@list)};                                             
if($opt_o eq "c"){compare (@list)};                                             

print "Dhcpd\n";                                                                
if($opt_o eq "s"){save (@list)};                                                
if($opt_o eq "r"){restore (@list)};                                             
if($opt_o eq "c"){compare (@list)};                                             

print "Exim\n";                                                                 
if($opt_o eq "s"){save (@list)};                                                
if($opt_o eq "r"){restore (@list)};                                             
if($opt_o eq "c"){compare (@list)};                                             

print "DDNS\n";                                                                 
if($opt_o eq "s"){save (@list)};                                                
if($opt_o eq "r"){restore (@list)};                                             
if($opt_o eq "c"){compare (@list)};                                             

#Static Networking
print "Static Networking\n";                                                    
if($opt_o eq "s"){save (@list)};                                                
if($opt_o eq "r"){restore (@list)};                                             
if($opt_o eq "c"){compare (@list)};                                             

print "NFS\n";                                                                  
if($opt_o eq "s"){save (@list)};                                                
if($opt_o eq "r"){restore (@list)};                                             
if($opt_o eq "c"){compare (@list)};                                             

print "Automounter\n";                                                          
if($opt_o eq "s"){save (@list)};                                                
if($opt_o eq "r"){restore (@list)};                                             
if($opt_o eq "c"){compare (@list)};                                             

print "NIS\n";                                                                  
if($opt_o eq "s"){save (@list)};                                                
if($opt_o eq "r"){restore (@list)};                                             
if($opt_o eq "c"){compare (@list)};                                             

#Apache and Squirrel Mail
print "Apache and Squirrel Mail\n";
if($opt_o eq "s"){save (@list)};
if($opt_o eq "r"){restore (@list)};
if($opt_o eq "c"){compare (@list)};

#Process /etc/samba directory
print "Prossessing /etc/samba\n";
if($opt_o eq "s"){
        @list=`find /etc/samba -type f -print`;
        foreach $j (@list){$j=~ s#^/##;chop $j;push(@newlist,$j);};
        save (@newlist);
if($opt_o eq "r" || $opt_o eq "c"){
        @list=`find safe/etc/samba -type f -print`;
        foreach $j (@list){$j=~ s#^safe/##;chop $j;push(@newlist,$j);};
if($opt_o eq "r"){restore (@newlist)};
if($opt_o eq "c"){compare (@newlist)};

#Process /var/lib/samba directory
print "Processing /var/lib/samba\n";
if($opt_o eq "s"){
        @list=`find /var/lib/samba -type f -print`;
        foreach $j (@list){$j=~ s#^/##;chop $j;push(@newlist,$j);};
        save (@newlist);
if($opt_o eq "r" || $opt_o eq "c"){
        @list=`find safe/var/lib/samba -type f -print`;
        foreach $j (@list){$j=~ s#^safe/##;chop $j;push(@newlist,$j);};
if($opt_o eq "r"){restore (@newlist)};
if($opt_o eq "c"){compare (@newlist)};

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