On Sun, 2009-08-02 at 09:03 -0430, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
> Does anyone in the Real World actually think of themselves as using a
> "media player"? Perhaps they consider playing video and playing music
> to be two different things. Now there's a thought ...

I tend to think of a media player as one that can play anything you
throw at it.  They're often not the best option for playing specific
files, though.  

While mplayer is good for looking at some MPEG or FLV that you've just
downloaded, it's awful for playing through your music collection.

XMMS or Audacity would be my preference for my music collection, they're
small, relatively simple, and have a playlist feature that does its job

RhythmBox is too convoluted.  It's a big app, CPU intensive, and
struggles with a large music library.  The search feature's nice, but
the other problems put me off it.  It's playlist handling sucks.

Totem seems like an experimental app that hasn't been finished.  Like
when you see someone try to make their own Winamp clone, and give up
with only implementing a third of the features.  I think it was adding
the gstreamer-ffmpeg package that finally got it to play some of the
common restricted file formats we have to cope with.  But it's still a
pig to use.

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