On 08/04/2009 03:48 PM, Hiisi wrote:
>> I don't know if many folks these days are familiar with the "pass by
>> name" operation.  Such code these days is generally not implemented 

> I didn't understand initially what "pass by name means". Probably had to
> look more careful at the program.

I didn't think you did.  Its a common mistake made by people trying to
port ALGOL-60 programs who don't understand ALGOL-60 semantics.  I just
wanted you to be aware since you were porting to C++ and you could have
inadvertently introduced bugs if you had incorrectly re-coded any
semantic which relied on the pass-by-name convention of argument passing
in some other section of the code.

"pass by reference" and "pass by value" are the 2 semantics implemented
by most modern programming languages, and you chose one of the few old
languages which does "pass by name" instead.

> Doesn't matter any more. I need to do a statement: this thread is closed
> from now. Ones more: thanks everybody for your responses!

Good luck with your new code.

Kevin J. Cummings
Registered Linux User #1232 (http://counter.li.org)

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