On Saturday 08 August 2009 16:37:17 Christopher A. Williams wrote:
> On Sat, 2009-08-08 at 16:04 +0100, Anne Wilson wrote:
> > On Saturday 08 August 2009 15:36:56 Christopher A. Williams wrote:
> > > I noticed that the current available version on the F11 repos for HPLIP
> > > is 3.9.2, but the most current version available from HP is version
> > > 3.9.8.
> > >
> > > A friend of mine installed this version on his F11 x86_64 system and
> > > found that it works much MUCH better.
> > >
> > > So... When will we see 3.9.8 hit the repositories?
> >
> > Sounds like a subjective statement to me :-)  Did your friend say exactly
> > what works better?
> >
> > I've been using hplip for 2 years.  IMO the only thing that has changed
> > is that later versions have drivers for later devices.  If your device is
> > supported with the version you have got, you have no need to change.
I don't recall the version, but when I first got it there were no rpms - I had 
to install it direct from the HP site.  It's so much easier now :-)

> Actually, I've been using hplip since it first came out with Fedora.
> I've used Fedora and its predecessors since the old RHL 4.X series. I
> have an OfficeJet 6210xi all-in-one myself. Not the newest of printers
> to be sure.
> I just upgraded to 3.9.8 and saw an immediate improvement in printer
> speed and responsiveness. 

That sounds like an updated driver, then.

> Print quality is about the same. I haven't
> tested it yet, but with 3.9.2, I found that if I used the scanner, I
> would have to turn the printer off and then back on again before it
> would print. I'll post to fedora-test-list with results when I get a
> chance to test that.
I don't use the scanner in software much, usually scanning to pen-drive, but 
I've never seen that particular problem.  Again, I would think that it's very 
much down to the drivers for individual devices.

> My friend has a newer OfficeJet J4680 series WiFi printer. He said he
> saw the same improvements in terms of printer speed and performance, but
> he also said that (qualitatively) the print quality improved as well.
> Since we don't have a ruler to measure that against, we have to leave
> that as a subjective assessment.
> Hope that helps!
I have two devices attached - a wifi-attached multi-function and a duplexing 
ink-jet.  I can't say that I've noticed any difference at all on the ink-jet.  
The all-in-one seems slower to start up, but that again is subjective.  It may 
be the particular documents, of course.

As I said, if it worked for you before you don't need to upgrade.  If you had 
issues it's probably worth a try.  But as Frank said, it hasn't been an 
improvement for everyone, so be prepared to remove and revert if it doesn't 

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