After a kernel upgrade to, my sound
has broken again (for about the 20th time).

After rebuilding the alsa-driver-1.20 modules, I've managed to get
system-config-soundcard to play the test sound.  But pulseaudio isn't
seeing any devices -- pavucontrol reports "No cards available for
configuration" under "Configuration", and offers me only "Null Output"
under "Output Devices".  paman is no more useful, and padevchooser
(as always) just hangs and displays nothing.  Killing pulseaudio and
waiting for it to respawn doesn't help.

If my sound failed in the same way each time I could cope with it, but
it seems to be failing in multiple places, in different ways each time!

One problem I can do something about is the Intel onboard audio, which
seems poorly supported.  Can anyone recommend a cheap PCI-E audio
card that will "just work" with Linux audio?  I'm not an audiophile,
so I don't need anything fancy.


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