2009/8/13  <gil...@altern.org>:
<snipped 5 paragraphs of irrelevant crap>
> So, I desinstalled/installed the MM applications and, after some playing
> around, everything almost "seemed" back to normal... with GNOME-MPlayer
> for playing ASF/WM files by default. For ASX, I believe Amarok was still
> suggested :) Since it's impossible to see the properties of GNOME-MPlayer
> -- a default which looks rather weird, since it's supposed to be only an
> interface to MPlayer --,I chose /usr/bin/mplayer, but I'm still asked to
> install MPlayer.
> Does anybody know the PATH to their default application for ASX files? I
> really want to give that Bell/Microsoft service another try ASAP.

*My* system plays ASX files in Totem:
[...@samlap ~]$ grep video/x-ms-asf /usr/share/applications/defaults.list

Totem is installed as /usr/bin/totem

Of course, I recognise that you don't like Totem and will probably
follow this up with a lengthy rant about how the Totem/Gstreamer guys
don't care about you and playing your favourite Website - apparently
Mplayer does play that website, but you don't know what the path to
the Gnome Mplayer binary is and are incapable of searching for it


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